Select Scientific Literature
1. Contrail formation, evolution & radiative forcing
Schumann, U. “On Conditions for Contrail Formation from Aircraft Exhausts (Über Bedingungen Zur Bildung von Kondensstreifen Aus Flugzeugabgasen).” Meteorologische Zeitschrift 5, no. 1 (March 5, 1996): 4–23.
Review thermodynamic conditions for contrail formation, including the Schmidt-Appleman criterion, and the influence of soot particles on contrail properties.
Kärcher, B. “Formation and Radiative Forcing of Contrail Cirrus.” Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (December 2018).
Detailed literature review on contrail evolution, properties, and climate impacts, including discussion on the short- and long-term solutions to mitigate the climate impacts.
Schumann, U. et al. “On the Life Cycle of Individual Contrails and Contrail Cirrus.” Meteorological Monographs 58, no. 1 (January 1, 2017): 3.1-3.24.
Detailed literature review on the full lifecycle of contrail cirrus, from its formation to end-of-life.
Burkhardt, U. et al. “Global Radiative Forcing from Contrail Cirrus.” Nature Climate Change 1, no. 1 (April 2011): 54–58.
Simulate the lifecycle of contrail cirrus and estimate its global coverage area and radiative forcing using the ECHAM4 general circulation model.
Schumann, U. “A Contrail Cirrus Prediction Model.” Geoscientific Model Development 5, no. 3 (May 3, 2012): 543–80.
Detailed description, equations, and assumptions of the CoCiP contrail model and comparison to other models and in-situ measurements.
Schumann, U. et al. “A Parametric Radiative Forcing Model for Contrail Cirrus.” Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 51, no. 7 (July 2012): 1391–1406.
Radiative forcing model used in the CoCiP contrail model, including detailed discussion of the different factors influencing contrail cirrus shortwave and longwave radiative forcing.
Sanz-Morère, I. et al. “Impacts of Multi-Layer Overlap on Contrail Radiative Forcing.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21, no. 3 (February 9, 2021): 1649–81.
Parametric model to account for the change in contrail cirrus radiative forcing due to contrail-contrail and cloud-contrail overlapping.
Sanz-Morère, I. et al. “Reducing Uncertainty in Contrail Radiative Forcing Resulting from Uncertainty in Ice Crystal Properties.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 7, no. 6 (June 9, 2020): 371–75.
Review of contrail ice-crystal evolution models and the impact of ice-crystal shape and size on contrail cirrus radiative forcing.
Fritz, T. M. et al. “The Role of Plume-Scale Processes in Long-Term Impacts of Aircraft Emissions.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20, no. 9 (May 13, 2020): 5697–5727.
Development of a Lagrangian plume model that models the chemical and microphysical evolution of the aircraft plume.
2. Contrail mitigation
Simorgh, A. et al. “A Comprehensive Survey on Climate Optimal Aircraft Trajectory Planning.” Aerospace 9, no. 3 (March 2022): 146.
A review of different operational strategies proposed in the literature to mitigate aviation’s climate impact.
Teoh, R. et al. “Mitigating the Climate Forcing of Aircraft Contrails by Small-Scale Diversions and Technology Adoption.” Environmental Science & Technology 54, no. 5 (March 3, 2020): 2941–50.
CoCiP simulation including parameterization of aviation black carbon emissions over the Japanese airspace showing ~2% of flights contribute to 80% of the total contrail energy forcing in this region.
Teoh, R. et al. “Beyond Contrail Avoidance: Efficacy of Flight Altitude Changes to Minimise Contrail Climate Forcing.” Aerospace 7, no. 9 (August 21, 2020): 121.
Evaluation of different flight diversion strategies to mitigate the contrail climate forcing showing small change in flight altitudes can significantly and reduce the overall climate forcing form aviation.
Avila, D. et al. “Reducing Global Warming by Airline Contrail Avoidance: A Case Study of Annual Benefits for the Contiguous United States.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2 (September 2019): 100033.
Evaluation of the potential benefits adjusting the flight cruising altitude over the US in minimizing climate impact of contrail cirrus.
Caiazzo, F. et al. “Impact of Biofuels on Contrail Warming.” Environmental Research Letters 12, no. 11 (November 2017): 114013.
Simulation of contrail cirrus over the United States assuming fleetwide adoption of biofuels.
Voigt, C. et al. “Cleaner burning aviation fuels can reduce contrail cloudiness." Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1) (June 17, 2021), pp.1-10.
Cruise measurements of the soot particles and associated contrail properties behind an Airbus A320 aircraft burning standard jet A-1 fuel or low aromatic sustainable aviation fuel blends.
Burkhardt, U. et al. “Mitigating the contrail cirrus climate impact by reducing aircraft soot number emissions.” npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 1(1) (October 19, 2018), pp.1-7.
Study of aircraft soot number emissions on contrail cirrus climate impact using the ECHAM5 general circulation model.
Grewe, V. et al. “Feasibility of climate-optimized air traffic routing for trans-Atlantic flights.” Environmental Research Letters, 12(3) (February 27, 2017), p.034003.
Evaluation of trajectory optimization strategies for minimizing total climate impact of transatlantic flights, including CO2, NOX, and contrails, using the ECHAM5 general circulation model.
3. Satellite observations
Meijer, V. R. et al. “Contrail Coverage over the United States before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 3 (March 1, 2022): 034039.
Development of a deep learning algorithm trained on 100,000 satellite images to estimate the contrail coverage over the United States between 2018 and 2020.
Quaas, J. et al. “Climate Impact of Aircraft-Induced Cirrus Assessed from Satellite Observations before and during COVID-19.” Environmental Research Letters 16, no. 6 (June 2, 2021): 064051.
Evaluate change in contrail cirrus properties due to the COVID-19 pandemic using satellite observations between March and May 2020.
Duda, D. P. et al. “Northern Hemisphere Contrail Properties Derived from Terra and Aqua MODIS Data for 2006 and 2012.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 18.
Estimate linear contrail coverage, optical property, and radiative forcing in the Northern Hemisphere in 2012 using satellite observations from NASA MODIS imagery.
Mannstein, H., et al. “Ground-based observations for the validation of contrails and cirrus detection in satellite imagery.” Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 3(3), (June 27, 2010) pp.655-669.
Estimate the occurrence of high-level clouds and contrails over six-months in Southern Germany using an all-sky camera.
Vázquez-Navarro, M. et al. “Contrail Life Cycle and Properties from 1 Year of MSG/SEVIRI Rapid-Scan Images.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, no. 15 (August 10, 2015): 8739–49.
Satellite observations and an automatic contrail tracking algorithm (ACTA) were used to: (i) track contrails from August 2008 to July 2009; and (ii) to obtain statistics on different contrail properties.
4. Aircraft performance and emissions
Poll, D.I.A. et al. “An Estimation Method for the Fuel Burn and Other Performance Characteristics of Civil Transport Aircraft in the Cruise. Part 1 Fundamental Quantities and Governing Relations for a General Atmosphere.” The Aeronautical Journal 125, no. 1284 (February 2021): 257–95.
Development of an open-sourced aircraft performance model to estimate the aircraft fuel consumption and thrust force.
Moore, R. et al. “Biofuel Blending Reduces Particle Emissions from Aircraft Engines at Cruise Conditions.” Nature 543, no. 7645 (March 2017): 411–15.
Measurements of the number and mass of soot particle emissions at cruise conditions behind a DC-8 aircraft burning conventional Jet A fuel and sustainable aviation fuel.
Kärcher, B. et al. “Role of aircraft soot emissions in contrail formation.” Geophysical Research Letters, (January 7, 2009), 36(1).
Simulate the differences in young contrail properties caused by changes in aircraft soot emissions using microphysical plume model.
Kärcher, B. et al. “Susceptibility of Contrail Ice Crystal Numbers to Aircraft Soot Particle Emissions.” Geophysical Research Letters 44, no. 15 (2017): 8037–46.
Describe the evolution of contrail ice crystals over time and explore mitigation options using an idealized physically-based model.
Jeßberger, P. et al. “Aircraft type influence on contrail properties.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(23) (December 11, 2013) pp.11965-11984.
In-situ measurements of young contrail properties formed by three different aircraft types (Airbus A319, A340 and A380) under the same meteorological conditions.
Quadros, F.D. et al. “Global Civil Aviation Emissions Estimates for 2017–2020 Using ADS-B Data.” Journal of Aircraft (May 1, 2022) pp.1-11.
Produce a global aviation emissions inventory for the years 2017 – 2020 using Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) signals provided by Flightradar24 and OpenSky.
5. Meteorology
Agarwal, A. et al. “Reanalysis-Driven Simulations May Overestimate Persistent Contrail Formation by 100%–250%.” Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 014045.
Comparison of the atmospheric humidity derived from radiosonde measurements with estimates provided by numerical weather prediction (NWP) models.
Wilhelm, L. et al. “Weather Variability Induced Uncertainty of Contrail Radiative Forcing.” Aerospace 8, no. 11 (November 6, 2021): 332.
Evaluate the role of weather variability in the uncertainty of contrail cirrus radiative forcing using in-situ measurements from the In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) campaign.
Gierens, K. et al. “How Well Can Persistent Contrails Be Predicted?” Aerospace 7, no. 12 (December 2, 2020): 169.
Compare in-situ humidity measurements from the In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) campaign with the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Reanalysis 5th Generation (ERA5) numerical weather prediction model.
Reutter, P. et al. “Ice Supersaturated Regions: Properties and Validation of ERA-Interim Reanalysis with IAGOS in Situ Water Vapour Measurements.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20, no. 2 (January 23, 2020): 787–804.
Compare in-situ humidity measurements from the In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS) campaign with the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Reanalysis 5th Generation (ERA5) numerical weather prediction model.
Gettelman, A. et al. “Climatology of Upper-Tropospheric Relative Humidity from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and Implications for Climate.” Journal of Climate 19, no. 23 (December 1, 2006): 6104–21.
Estimate the relative humidity in the troposphere using satellite data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
6. Flight trials
Molloy, J. et al. “Design Principles for a Contrail-Minimizing Trial in the North Atlantic.” Aerospace 9, no. 7 (July 2022): 375.
Discussion of air traffic management strategies currently available to conduct a contrail-minimizing trial over the North Atlantic.
“Reducing the impact of non-CO₂ Climate Impact: Eurocontrol Muac and DLR partnering on Contrail Prevention.” Eurocontrol (2022).
Overview of the world’s first contrail prevention trial in EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Area Control (MUAC) airspace.
7. Contrail climate impact
Teoh, R. et al. “Aviation Contrail Climate Effects in the North Atlantic from 2016-2021.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, March 30, 2022, 1–27.
Simulation of aviation emissions and contrail properties in the North Atlantic over 5 years (from 2016 to 2021).
Lee, D.S. et al. “The Contribution of Global Aviation to Anthropogenic Climate Forcing for 2000 to 2018.” Atmospheric Environment 244 (January 2021): 117834.
Detailed literature review on the climate impacts of aviation CO2 and non-CO2 emissions.
Bickel, M. et al. “Estimating the Effective Radiative Forcing of Contrail Cirrus.” 2020.
Estimate the effective radiative forcing of contrail cirrus using the ECHAM global climate model.
Bock, L. et al. “Reassessing properties and radiative forcing of contrail cirrus using a climate model.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121, no. 16 (2016): 9717–36.
Provide a more realistic representation of microphysical processes governing contrail cirrus evolution using a global climate model.
Chen, C.-C., et al. “Simulated Radiative Forcing from Contrails and Contrail Cirrus.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13, no. 24 (December 20, 2013): 12525–36.
Estimate the global contrail cirrus climate impact using the Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 (CAM5) general circulation model.